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Enat Bank Appoints Ethiopian Female as President

Enat Bank appointed Birtukan G. Ezgi as founding president pending confirmation by the National Bank of Ethiopia. Birtukan will be the third female bank president in Ethiopia upon approval of her appointment by the central bank.

Birtukan began her career with Commercial bank and served at district manager before moving to Abyssinia Bank where she is currently serving as the director of the International Banking Department.

Enat Bank has been considering female bankers in senior positions in the industry as potential nominees for the presidential spot. Among the estimated four women who were considered for this postion was Brutawit Dawit Abdi who served as the first female bank president with Wegagen.

Enat bank which was established in September of 2008 as the first Bank oriented specifically for women. It was set up and promoted by well known Ethiopian women such as Meaza Ashenafi, Nigist Haile and Aster Ashenafi.

The bank promotes an agenda to financially empower women as well as providing comprehensive banking service to all. It aims to enable women to take advantage of its banking facilities in their efforts to engage in various commercial and investment activities.

It is expected that Enat Bank will begin actual services in about six months following final go ahead from the National Bank of Ethiopia.

Source: Capital