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Ethiopia and Malta to Strengthen Business Ties through Forum in Addis Ababa


A forum is set to take place in Addis Ababa on March 12th, aiming to bolster business ties between Ethiopia and Malta. The Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) is organizing the event, which seeks to tap into the unrealized investment potential between the two nations and foster dialogue for shared progress.

Close to 40 Maltese business representatives are expected to attend, representing various sectors like manufacturing, information and communication technology (ICT), education, architecture, medicine, and financial services.

EIC Commissioner Hanna Arayaselassie expressed her excitement for the forum, underlining Ethiopia's conducive business environment and the government's recent efforts to attract foreign investment through incentives and reforms. The event is also viewed as an opportunity to explore Ethiopia's potential as a gateway to the wider African market.

Maltese Ambassador Ronald Micallef stressed the importance of strengthening the economic partnership between the two countries. He highlighted ongoing initiatives to enhance diplomatic relations and collaboration in areas like education, cyber diplomacy, and trade. Despite Malta's size, its strategic location within the European Union grants access to a market of 500 million people. Ambassador Micallef emphasized Malta's commitment to supporting Ethiopia's access to broader European markets through its advanced infrastructure and strategic position.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald