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Ethiopia: Dashen Bank Launches a New Credit Transaction Service

Dashen Dube Ale

Dashen Bank launched a credit transaction service called Dube Ale in collaboration with Eaglelion System Technologies which would allow the bank’s customers to pay for their purchases within three, six, and twelve months after the date of purchase. The service is available with and without interest.

According to the bank, the new service would help boost the economy by facilitating the flow of goods in the market and increasing the sales volume of traders. Customers of the bank can register for the service by downloading the Dube Ale app from Google Play.

Dashen Bank registered a Birr 3.8 billion gross profit in the 2021/2022 fiscal year. It currently has 442 branches, 9 forex bureaus, 389 ATMs, and 1,283 Point-of Sale (POS) nationwide. Eaglelion, on the other hand, is a company involved in various digitalization projects across several sectors in Ethiopia including mining and health. It is currently developing an e-commerce payment technology called Get-Fee Enterprise together with Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.

Source (including image): Dashen Bank

Additional source: Addis Zemen