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Ethiopia Earns $92 Million from Horticulture Industry

Ethiopia earned 92 million US dollars from the export of fruits, vegetables and flowers in the last five months according to the Ethiopian Horticulture Development Agency.

74.5 million Us dollars was acquired through the export of flowers said Haileselassie Tekie Director General of the Ethiopian Horticulture Development Agency at a joint consultative workshop organized for the sector.

The revenue earned over the past five months showed a 21.9% increase over what was earned in the same period in the last fiscal year according to Haileselassie.

The agency has a target to raise 401 million US dollars from exports for this fiscal year.

48 representatives of companies engaged in horticulture and floriculture developennt attended the two day work shop. The Ethio-Netherlands Partnership, Jimma University and Ethiopian Airlines were also represented.

Source: Walta