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Total Ethiopia Inaugurates First Solar Powered Station

Total Ethiopia inaugurated its first solar powered fuel station in Ethiopia on the 17th of December. The fuel station, found in Afar Regional Station, Djibouti Corridor, was refurbished for solar power use.

Total has been testing the fuel station after completing the outfitting of the fuel station for solar use. Tenesol, a subsidiary of the Total Group was charged with supplying the photovoltaic technology. The project was finalized by local partner, Vera International Business plc, at a cost of an estimated 1 million birr.

Total decided to outfit formerly diesel generator operated station in Afar for solar power use because it was more cost effective according to Antoine Tournand Managing Director of Total Ethiopia. The original plan was to use solar power in Addis Ababa was changed because stations in the capital use electricity generated from clean hydro power he said.

Total selected the Diciotto area for constructing the gas station because it is a busy section that has high temperatures and sunshine.

The project to install the photovoltaic technology took two years.

The use of alternative sources of energy can sometimes be more cost effective said Tournand. Total benefits from broadening to alternative energy sources such as the solar powered lamps sold by the company which could potentially compete with Kerosene lamps according he explained.

Solar powered lamps are cleaner and a healthier alternative which makes them better in the long run even in competition against kerosene sales according to Tournand.

Source Fortune