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Ethiopia: Addis Ababa to Host an International Conference on Pulses and Oilseeds

Ethiopian Pulses, Oilseeds, and Spices Processors-Exporters Association (EPOSPEA) announced that the 11th International Conference on Pulses and Oil Seeds would be held in Addis Ababa between November 15 and 16 this year. The Association organized the conference in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration.

The conference, themed “Cultivating Global Partnership”, will allow participants to meet international buyers, import associations, value chain companies, service provides, agro-processing industries, and importers and exporters who represent various countries. It will also help participants to understand Ethiopia’s exclusive oilseeds and pulses market. Research papers on market patters of pulses and oilseeds will be presented at the conference.

A total of 250 local and 100 international attendants from 13 countries have already registered to participate in the conference.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency