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30% Raise for Ethiopian Telecom Employees

Ethio Telecom announced that it has raised the salary of its employees by an average of 30%. The Ethiopian telecommunications provider offered employees back pay from July 8th of this year.

The raise was delayed by two years from when Ethio Telecom promised an increase. The employees at the telecommunication provider had not received a raise since the former Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation was reorganized as Ethio Telecom. 

The present raise applies to the current fiscal year and will be paid out beginning next week. Employees at Ethio Telecom feel that back pay ought to extend to the previous budget year when they didn’t receive the promised raise according to sources.

In related news Ethio Telecom announced the launch of new financial system or Enterprise Resource Planning. The new application will be based on the latest technology as per international standards and is expected to increase the efficiency of the company according to a statement issued by Ethio Tlecom.

The new system is online as of the 1st of December after six months in development it was said. The statement explained that this project is an element of the company’s efforts to transform, optimize resources and enhance modern automation practices.

The application will allow semi-automatic workflow allowing Ethio Telecom to validate work proposals online instead of paper based processes that can be tiresome and time consuming said the statement.

The ERP is expected to offer a new system for finance that will allow better communication with suppliers and customers as well as between regional and zonal financial teams within the company explained the statement.

Source: Capital