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Ethiopia Aims to Get 750,000 Visitors at Dubai Expo 2020

dubai-expo-2020Ethiopia aims to attract some 750,000 local and international visitors in the upcoming Expo 2020 Dubai, it has been learned. This has been made known after the UAE-Ethiopia Business Advisory Council met with officials at Ethiopia's Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI).

Haimanot Tibebu, Export Promotion Director at MoTI and Technical Lead for the Ethiopian Committee set up for the expo, speaking to the Ethiopian Herald, said the plan takes into account Ethiopia’s untapped potential in trade and investment, and the thriving relations Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) enjoy.

A vast display of Ethiopia's products and services, along with its history and culture, supplemented by aggressive marketing, will enable them to attract the targeted number of visitors, Ms. Haimanot said. The Ministry is setting up a website and a Facebook page dedicated to the effort, she added, from which participants of the Expo can find information regarding trade and investment opportunities in Ethiopia.

Commending the UAE government's unreserved support to Ethiopia in making its involvement in the event a success, the Export Promotion Director said, “Ethiopia’s blossoming ties with the UAE is also a huge factor for our pavilion is being visited by a significant number of local participants.” 

The display of Lucy, the 3.2 million-year-old fossil of Australopithecus Afarensis, and the promotion of Ethiopia as the birthplace of coffee and its historical and natural tourist attraction sites are also believed to bring a sizeable number of visitors.

At the Expo, Ethiopia hopes to present itself as a conducive place for multinational companies to do business.

Tewabech Molla, Dubai Chamber International Office’s Ethiopia Chief Representative, highlighting several efforts have been made to create awareness among UAE companies regarding business opportunities in Ethiopia as well as help Ethiopian companies set up business in UAE, said on the Expo, “Ethiopia will leverage the Expo platform to showcase its economic potential to the world and expand its  cross-border cooperation.”

Ms. Tewabech went on to stress the need to look beyond the Expo as well, and continue cooperation with the UAE, and in showcasing Ethiopia’s economic and tourism potential.

As an Official Expo 2020 Dubai Partner, Dubai Chamber is playing a central role as a business facilitator for the forthcoming event where it plans to host 33 business forums including the largest-ever edition of the Global Business Forum Africa, the Chief representative pointed out.

Scheduled to take place from 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2020 in Dubai, Expo 2020 is expected to attract some 25 million visitors from 192 countries.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald