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Ethiopia: Ethio Telecom Launches LTE Advanced 4G Services

ethio-telecom-goes-4gEthio Telecom, Ethiopia’s sole telecom services provider, announced it has launched LTE Advanced 4G (Fourth Generation) technology.

The service has been availed “in some parts of Addis Ababa where there is high internet usage trend,” the company said in a tweet. However, Frehiwot Tamiru, Ethio Telecom’s CEO, said her company will “launch the service in the regional states soon as well."

The 4G internet service, Ms. Frehiwot said, will contribute to the national effort towards creating a social, economic and digital economy. Furthermore, she remarked, it will be able to address the increased needs of users.

The network upgrade, carried out by Huawei after making the deal ten days ago, cost Ethio Telecom close to $5.5 million (173 million Birr).

Sources: Ethio Telecom (Twitter), FBC (Amharic), Addis Fortune