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World Economic Forum to Be Held in Ethiopia

The annual World Economic Forum will be held in Ethiopia in May. The forum is expected to be attended by 1000 influential world leaders according to Precise Consulting International, organizers.

The forum will create a unique opportunity for Ethiopian business people to engage with global multi national corporations and international investors said Henock Assefa, Manging Partner of Precise.

The forum will be attended by 400 senior business executives and senior government officials and Ethiopian business people can best take advantage of the opportunity by doing their homework and attending with short pitches to address the influential international business representatives in attendance explained Henock.

The event will be a success for the organizers if a range of investment and sales deals are struck to create opportunities in Ethiopia he said.

The organizers are open to provide as much support and information as is required by business leaders before the forum takes place said Henock.

The conference will also aim to re-brand Ethiopia as an investment destination and to offer international corporate leaders sustainable information and research on the opportunities available in Ethiopia on the macro and micro economic sectors according to PCI.

It is expected that well established multinational corporations including General Electric, Dupont, BHP, Rio Tinto, Mitsubishi and Unilevel as well as financial advisors and consultants from across the world will take part in the Forum.

Source: Capital