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Ethiopia: ERA Awarded Chinese Firm Konso - Yabello Road Project

Teciju Civil Engineering Group, a Chinese firm, is awarded a 1.2 Billion Birr road construction project by the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) for the Konso-Yabelo road project. 107 Kilometers road which connects Konso and Yabello will be upgraded.

The contract was concluded between ERA and Teciju on Friday, September 15, 2014, by Zaid Wolde Gebriel, Director General ERA and Cai Xiaobin, Teciju General Manager.

Three companies are chose to be consultants to the project, out of which one is not a local firm. The firms are; Prome Consultants Ltd. From Uganda, Omerga Consulting Engineers from Ethiopia and Shandone Consulting Company.

Source: Capital