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ICT and Telecom

Ethiopia to Host African Digital Summit

Ethiopia is to host the 11th African Digital Summit in the coming March under the theme of ‘Broadband Strategies and Agendas: Acceleration and Alignment’ according to the Ministry of Information and Communication.

The summit is expected to focus on the need to create a sustainable African Telecom and ICT eco system to support growth and development according to Minister of State Peter Gat Cot speaking at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with co-organizers Extensia limited.

It is hoped that summit will enhance integrity in business and technology amongst nations and private stakeholders said Peter.
More than 350 participants representing large ICT companies, government representatives, international solution providers, regulators and major end users are expected to attend the summit he said.

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Techno Brain Cisco Certified in Ethiopia

IT Solutions and IT training service provider Techno Brain achieved Cisco Certified Status in Ethiopia and four other East African countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda.

The certification allows the IT firm the opportunity to develop stronger relations with Cisco in the field of sales which directly interacts with customers.

The certification is testament to a strengthened credibility among customers and Cisco sales team have access to a wealth of program and support services from the company according to Ricardo Moreno, Senior Director for Strategy Planning and Programs for Cisco Worldwide Partner Organization. 

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ERCA to launch 3.4 Million Birr Toll Free Call Center

The Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority is to launch a toll free call center worth 3.4 million birr to be based in the authority’s headquarters.

The call center is expected to transform the process of tax collection and administration. The call center installed by Tanzanian Techno Brian will be able to entertain 30 calls at the same time.

The authority has trained a dozen people, each specializing in specific tax issues to answer inquiries raised by tax payers who call in.

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Neptune Solutions to Open Branch in Ethiopia

Neptune Solutions plc, a leading international software company, is to launch a branch in Addis Ababa in the next two months. The company is currently seeking office space and hiring local staff said Raymond Badanga, country Manger for Neptune in the country.

A significant market has been created in Ethiopia since the National Bank required all banks to interface with the National payment system according to Badanga.

It is to be remembered that Berhan International Bank became the first bank to interface with the National Payment Service installing Rubikon, Neptune’s CORE banking system.

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Abay Bank, Ethiopia Launches CORE Banking System

Abay Bank, Ethiopia announced finalizing the interconnection of its 22 branches to launch CORE banking solutions. The software technology was installed by the US firm Oracle Financial Service Software.

The software connects the branches with the Head Office through a Wide Area Network which will serve as a base to implement the CORE banking system. The system is designed to adapt to the fast growth in the financial sector allowing easy connectivity and third part networking.

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Techno Assembles First Smart Phone in Ethiopia

Tecno Mobile Ethiopia is set to release the first domestically assembled smart phone next month for an estimated price of 6000-8000 birr.

The new smart phone branded Tecno T3 supports the Google Android 2.3 smart phone operating system. Android is a Linux-based operating system used in mobile devices including smart phones and tablet computers.

Tecno is studying the market to decide on the market price for the new product according to Henry Yu, General Manager of Techno Ethiopia.

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Ethiopia’s IT Park Project to Create 300,000 Jobs

The IT Park project in Ethiopia is expected to create 300 thousand jobs when it is completed said the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.

The project aims to enhance the quick growth of micro enterprises as well as benefiting companies in its vicinity to support the development of research institutes and creating trade relations and transfer of technology explained Beker Seid, Public Relations Officer with the Ministry.

It is also expected that the project will create favorable conditions to allow domestic companies to become competitive on the international markets he said.

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Ethiopia to Organize 2nd ICT Competition

Ethiopia is to organize a nationwide ICT competition for the second time announced the ICT Excellence Center of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

The registration for the ICT competition will remain open until the 7th of July and winners will be awarded a range of prizes it was announced.

The competition is intended to create an opportunity for people with intellectual properties to compete, promote their work and form commercial networks according to the ministry.

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ICT Exhibition Opens in Ethiopia

The fifth ICT Exhibition and Conference in Ethiopia was opened last week at the Addis Ababa Exhibition Center. The Exhibition was held under the theme of ‘ICT is the Road to Development and Transformation’.

Domestic IT colleges, government agencies working in the ICT sector, training center, and international companies from China, England and Egypt engaged in the production and development of ICT products participated in the exhibition.

The exhibition offers an opportunity for consumers and producers to develop networks and to enhance experience sharing amongst countries said Debretsion Gebremichael, Minister of Communication and Information Technology.

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Buna International Bank, Ethiopia Signs CORE Banking Agreement

Buna International Bank, Ethiopia signed an agreement to implement CORE Banking Solutions with Infosys. BIB signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Indian based Infosys for the installation of the system which will allow the bank to launch electronic banking, last week.

Infosys will commence with deploying the project in three weeks after negotiations are concluded between the two sides said Gezahegn Dugassa, Project Manager for ICT with BIB.  It is expected that part of the new system will be implemented by the Ethiopian New Year, the deadline imposed by the National Bank of Ethiopia on all banks to automate their banking services, he noted.

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