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ICT and Telecom

Ethiopia: African Electronic Trade Group Negotiates to Open Its East Africa Headquarters in Addis Ababa

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The African Electronic Trade Group, a multi-stakeholder group which works to implement e-empowerments with a view to developing electronic trade in Africa, is negotiating with the Ethiopian Government to open its East Africa Headquarters in Addis Ababa.

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We Need to Ensure Online Safety for Children in Ethiopia

As a parent, I’m used to seeing my children glued to screens of various sizes, talking to their friends, playing games, and learning in an increasingly digital world.

The internet offers up a world of opportunity, but it isn’t without risk. As more children and young people get online, it’s important that we’re skilled up on how to keep them safe.children online

Last year, a groundbreaking report called ‘Disrupting Harm’ played a key role in helping us understand the online risks facing children in Ethiopia.

The UNICEF-supported research found that young people were engaging in a number of risky online activities including sending personal information – such as full name, address, or phone number – to someone online whom they have never met in person, meeting in person someone whom they first knew online but was unknown to them in the offline world, and sending a sexual image or video of themselves to someone on the internet.

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Ethiopia Concluded US$700M Contract with Huawei Technologies

Ethiopia concluded a US$700 million contract with Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, a Chinese multinational networking and telecommunications equipment and services company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong.

The agreement will see the number of subscribers to 56 million with the expansion and upgrade of Ethiopia's mobile phone infrastructure. Huawei will also set up high-speed 4G broadband network capability in the capital Addis Ababa and 3G service throughout Ethiopia. Add a comment Add a comment


The 3rd Annual ICT Ethiopia Competition Launched

The ICT Center of Excellence and the Ministry of Communication and Technology launched the annual ICT Ethiopia competition on Thursday May 30, 2013 at Hilton Hotel.

"We are pleased to launch this competition, which we believe will help us achieve our goal of positioning the country at the forefront of development in ICT" Debretsion Gebremichael.

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Ethiopia Banking and ICT Summit to be Held in August

Cyber Security Africa, a UK based company, in partnership with other Industry stakeholders is organizing the Ethiopia Banking and ICT Summit. The event will be held on August 2nd, 2013 at the Sheraton Hotel, Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

The one day summit is designed to highlight the key Investment opportunities especially in the ICT Sector. The event is said to help all players in all sectors of business to interact with  both Public and Private sectors, Government officials, international organizations and other local business leader to discuss and identify the technical, environmental and business opportunities. Add a comment Add a comment


GCS Awaiting Agreements on Cross Border Cargo Tracking

Global Computing Solutions PLC is now awaiting agreements between Ethiopia and Djibouti to kick start operations at the Port of Djibouti, according to Bekele Gabremedhin, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Location Based Service operated by Global Computing Solutions.

Among the six places selected for operations in Djibouti only one site is left to be managed and operated by GCS and the rest are to be handled by the Djiboutian side. Add a comment Add a comment


Ethiopia to Host 11th Africa Digital Summit

Ethiopia is to host the 11th Innovation Africa Digital Summit 2013 in Addis Ababa in partnership with ICT service provider Extensia Ltd.

The 11 Innovation Africa Digital Summit 2013 is aimed at discussing the need to create sustainable national growth and development of the African telecom and ICT sector.

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Ethiopia to Improve Access and Quality of ICT

The Ethiopian government announced plans to improve access and quality of Information and Communication Technology in the country.

The announcement was made in Addis Ababa on the 11th of December by Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael, Deputy Prime Minister at the 2nd annual conference of Ethiopian ICT Entrepreneurship held this week.

The government is working hard to expand the ICT infrastructure in the country he explained in his speech.

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Ethiopian Public Institutions to Offer E-services

The Ethiopian Ministry of Communications & Information Technology launched 49 e-services in order to enable seven governmental institutions to offer online services. The office announced the launching of the e-service on at event held at the Churchill Hotel.

The e-service installation and development was conducted by two private IT solution providers at a cost of 3.8 million Birr. Africom Technologies Plc developed 33 of the e-services portal for 2.8 million Birr while E-System Africahad supplied the remaining 16 at a cost of 1 million Birr it was said at the time.

It is to be remembered that the two companies won the tender for the project last year.

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