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Energy and Mining

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Exceeds Power Generation Targets in First 10 Months

GERD Ethiopia

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has surpassed expectations, generating over 2,700 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity in the last ten months, according to the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP). This figure marks a 26% increase over the initial target of 2,152.8 GWh.

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Ethiopia: Oromia Region Sees Increased Revenue from Minerals

Gold Benishangul Gumuz

The Oromia Regional Mineral Development Authority reported significant progress in the mining sector, exceeding USD 213 million in revenue from various mineral exports within the first nine months of the fiscal year. This surge comes alongside a crackdown on illegal mining activities, particularly in the gold sector.

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Ethiopian Electric Utility Unveils Tech Center to Revolutionize Prepaid Services

EEU logo

With a vast customer base exceeding 4.6 million nationwide, comprising over 3.75 million post-paid users alongside 900,000 prepaid customers, EEU revealed that it was working towards enhancing its technological infrastructure. The company is poised to address long-standing challenges for its prepaid customers and enhancing convenience through the development of a cutting-edge technology center valued at USD 48 million.

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