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Eureka Consulting Services Pvt.Ltd.Co.

Mobile (+251)-911-51-62-62
Mobile 2 (+251)-911-92-17-51
Mobile 3 (+251)-11-828-5514
Eureka Consulting Services Pvt.Ltd.Co.

Eureka Consulting Services Pvt.Ltd.Co. established in 2010 according to the Ethiopian trade law and registered with the Ministry of Trade to provide consultancy services in the area of health, WASH, nutrition and food security, and social development.

The main objective of the company is to provide efficient consolation to its clients in order to achieve their respective goals.

The value we bring to our clients: speed, working in tandem, future orientation, embracing the client's view of value, and delivering total solutions - from ideas to implementation; even to monitoring and evaluation of the activities.

All the associates in the company have received a license and certification from their respective regulatory bodies individually as they fulfilled the required skill for the job and the profession they acquire.

Our team members and associates are top executives with a wide range of experience with proven successful track records.

They have advanced qualifications and extensive experience to ensure that our clients will be presented with practical recommendations, hands-on solutions, and services including training.

The team maintains a panel of consultants comprising eminent Researchers, Academicians, Trainers, Practitioners, Programmers, Field managers, Interviewers, translators, data managers, and data collectors.

Our working relationship with Governmental, UN Agencies, and Non Governmental organizations is tremendous.

We have also established strong and reliable professional relationships with key decision-makers in the country from the outset.


Eureka's Consulting's mission is to serve clients in the health care, nutrition food security, and social support sectors by providing the best counsel, technical assistance, and training services to support them to achieve results and meet the goals of their respective organizations.


Eureka envisions being a credible and leading partner to governmental and non-governmental organizations in quality and efficient consultancy services provision.

Our Values:

    • Participation: to work with our clients and their partners/stakeholders.
    • Teamwork/Integrity: in maintaining a collaborative working atmosphere.
    • Commitment: towards the achievement of our respective clients’ goals.
    • Reflection: of work results to our respective clients.
    • Innovation: Insight with new ideas to solve the identified problems.
    • Mutual respect: we treat others the way we want to be treated.
    • Accountability: we accept responsibility for our actions, attitudes, and mistakes.
    • Trust: we can count on each other.
    • Excellence: we do our best at all times and look for ways to do it even better.
    • Timeliness: we are conscious of delivering our services according to the schedule.

Eureka's Capacity

Infrastructure wise Eureka has a suitable office in an ideal location in Addis Ababa with competitive and hands-on experience technical and supportive staff and self-sufficient required standard office facilities.

In addition, it has built its asset base to be credible and self-supporting to its esteemed clients.

Eureka is organized with professionals experienced in the areas of designing, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of programs and projects.

All staff members are highly qualified and experienced in their area of specialization.

In addition to these, Eureka engages a large number of short-term experts and also maintains a panel of consultants comprising eminent researchers, trainers, field managers, interviewers, translators, transcribers, data collectors, and other professionals with specialized expertise.

Regarding financial capability, the financial information of the company demonstrates its capability to be self-sufficient up to some threshold to give services in credit. Eureka is confident to present its outstanding statement and financial balance as well as bank guarantee whenever required by the client.

In our work, to cope with the changing environment, we are adapting environmentally friendly/new technologies such as electronic data collection applications and the latest data management software.

Hence, we would like to guarantee our prestigious clients that we are capable of running even multiple tasks at a time without compromising the quality of the assignment.


Eureka is positioned to provide problem-solving consultancy services for organizations, specially designed to strengthen the organizational capacity required to perform effectively and efficiently in executing programs and/or projects towards their strategic goal.

Eureka is legally established to undertake the following main business activities;

1. Conduct research activities
2. Strategic document design and development
3. Provide capacity-building training
4. Pharmaceuticals Supply

1. Operational and Formative Research;

Full range of participatory research to identify problems and to fix solutions for identified problems in the area of;

      • Health
      • WASH
      • Nutrition and Food Security and other development-related consultancy services;

I. Comprehensive Research Works from inception to dissemination:

      • Situational assessment
      • Baseline survey
      • Data mapping
      • Assessment of needs of target groups and design of intervention packages
      • Formative assessment
      • Feasibility study
      • Human-Centered Design(HCD)
      • Write project concept notes
      • Project design
      • Stakeholders mapping
      • Project & program implementation partner
      • Program Monitoring and Evaluation (Mid-term and Terminal evaluation) and
      • Impact assessment

II. Partial Research works:

      • Designing of research instruments
      • Data collection team training
      • Data collection fieldwork
      • Data management -Data entry, Data cleaning, and Analysis
      • Research report writing-up

2. Strategic document design and development

      • Policy, strategy, and guideline development
      • Document translation services
      • Develop a sound BCC/SBCC strategy(Health Communications)
      • Design IEC/BCC materials with sticky/memorable message

3. Social Marketing Researches;

      • Pricing-Willingness To Pay surveys (WTP)
      • Market mix - 4P analysis
      • Feasibility Study
      • Design marketing strategy
      • Target Audience Archetype Analysis
      • Media, Message, and Concept testing, and Rapid Audience Assessment

4. Tailor-made Trainings;

      • Provision of CPD, Short-term as well as Multi-stage and/or cascade Training
      • Training material/guidelines development/adaptation/translation

5. Pharmaceuticals Supply;

      • Import quality human medical supplies

Consulting Experience, since 2010:

      • Eureka has been involved in several successful consultancy assignments in the areas of Health, WASH, Nutrition, Food Security, and Livelihood to governmental, UN Agencies, and international and local non-governmental organizations.
      • Moreover, most of our clients re-visit us for more services as they satisfied with our first work relation. For the sake of preciseness, we mention some of our consultancy experiences as follows:

Our Clients:


Assignment Title

Name of Client


Review of the implementation of Phase II of the OWNP (2016 - 2023) and Updating of the OWNP Phase III (2024 # 2030)



Understanding the barriers and opportunities in building and sustaining sanitation and hygiene progress and developing Sanitation and Hygiene Implementation strategy for USAID Climate Resilient WASH Activity–Ethiopia( in Afar, Somali, Oromia, and South Ethiopia Regions)

USAID-Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Activity/RTI


Documentation of Lessons and Evaluation of community-based differentiated service delivery model(cDSDM) implementation of community-based HIV care, and treatment (CHCT) activities across the target regions (Addis Ababa, Gambella, Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, Sidama, and Southwest Ethiopia)

Project HOPE


Implementing cooking demonstrations, nutrition, and hygiene promotion in the Amhara Region for the GIZ Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture project.

GIZ Ethiopia Office


Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture (NSA) Project Intervention mid-term assessment in selected Seqota Declaration (SD) Woredas.

Ministry of Agriculture


End-Term Evaluation of National Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Strategy (NSAS)(2016-2021).

It is pure qualitative research. 

Save the Children International,


Design and Produce Social and Behavioural Change Communication (SBCC) materials for Nutrition and Hygiene promotion. Activities include the design and production of TV & Radio spots, posters, role plays, and songs with key nutrition and hygiene messages to students’ and mothers’ groups, and a cookbook for locally recommended complementary food recipes in Oromia, SNNPR, and Somali regions, 

Goal Ethiopia


Testing and validation of the Family Planning and Reproductive Health (FP/RH) Policy Resilience Scorecard tool in Ethiopia,2024.

Action Against Hunger/ PROPEL Adapt


Conduct Intersectionality Based Policy Analysis on Minimum Youth Friendly services, National Adolescent and Youth Health Strategy, and GBV policies and standard operating procedures

FAWE- Eth. Chapter, VESO and IPas Ethiopia in Consortium



Health system context analysis for Borena Zone. This project was commissioned by Goal Ethiopia, in 2022.

Goal Ethiopia

Phone: +251116478116


Project evaluation for Improving the quality and uptake of ANC, PMTCT, and SRH Services among women living with HIV and Adolescents.

Plan International Ethiopian 

Phone: 251-11-5571498



Assessment on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Sexual Reproductive Health Services.

Ethiopian Center for Disability Development(ECDD)

Phone: 251-11-4165849


Rapid assessment of the School WASH situation in Bahir Dar for the project entitles ‘WASH in School for Everyone’, 2021.

Splash International



Baseline Survey for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Initiative Project in four Districts of Addis Ababa:

The overall objective of the baseline survey was to generate baseline data, both quantitative and qualitative, as benchmarks for the project’s monitoring and evaluation and to provide an understanding of the present situation of WASH in the project districts.

Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia,


+251 116460801


Baseline Survey for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Initiative Project in Negelle Arsi District:

The overall objective of the baseline survey was to generate baseline data, both quantitative and qualitative, as benchmarks for the project’s monitoring and evaluation and to provide an understanding of the present situation of WASH in the project district.


Need Assessment of PwDs on HIV/AIDS prevention, Care, and Support services in Ethiopia and then develop disability-focused HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and support intervention guidelines including IEC/BCC Material development and training manual:  

The overall objective of the assignment was to assess disability-friendly HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and support services in Ethiopia and develop prevention, care, and support packages/toolkits.

Federation of Ethiopian National Associations of Persons With Disabilities (FENAPD)

(USAID Funded),


+251 111557462


IEC/BCC material development on HIV/AIDS prevention:

Develop PWD/people with hearing difficulty-friendly IEC/BCC materials on HIV/AIDS prevention. 

Ethiopian National Association of the Deaf in association with World Learning Ethiopia



Training Material Development and then  training  provision on  Adolescent and Youth Friendly Reproductive Health Services(AYFRHS):

The training was aimed at capacity building of health workers in health facilities of the Afar region on AYFRHS.

Amref  Health Africa in Ethiopia,




Terminal Evaluation of Sport for Inclusive development project in Amhara region:

Cheshire Foundation-Action for Inclusion(CF-AI)

Phone: +251 113213869


Baseline Survey for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Initiative Project in four Districts of Addis Ababa:

The overall objective of the baseline survey was to generate baseline data, both quantitative and qualitative, as benchmarks for the project’s monitoring and evaluation and to provide an understanding of the present situation of WASH in the project Districts.

Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia,


+251 116460801


End-line survey to evaluate the maternal and child nutrition project outcomes in South Ari Woreda in SNNP Region, Ethiopia:

The overall objective of the assignment was to evaluate the project based on the predetermined indicators using relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability as the main evaluation criteria.

World Vision Ethiopia,




IYCF & Early Childhood Development KAP Study/end of project evaluation in Jewi Refugee Camp, Gambella Region & Kobe Refugee Camp, Somali Region.

The purpose of the assignment was to undertake a project-end evaluation of the IYCF/ECD projects in the two camps to assess the current situation and to recommend and document lessons learned from the project implementation for future programming.



+251 1 470 0847


World Bank Group, Satisfactions Survey June 2015 and June 2018 (two times).

The survey aimed to assess the effectiveness of the World Bank’s activities in Ethiopia by measuring the satisfaction of development partners towards the World Bank's work in Ethiopia.

World Bank Ethiopia,




A study on perceptions of health workers on factors affecting the retention of public sector health workers in Ethiopia.

The purpose of the retention study was to identify the factors and approaches to workforce motivation, job satisfaction, and retention that will assist the FMOH and RHBs in Ethiopia to make evidence-based policy and management decisions regarding the successful recruitment and retention of workers in the public health sector. The study was also to document the magnitude of health worker turnover in the public sector and provide insights into the ongoing workforce retention and motivation schemes

Jhpiego in Collaboration with MSH and FMOH, Ethiopia,



Trial of Improved Practices (TIPs) on Nutrition practices in Kindo Koyisha and Duguna Fango Woredas of SNNP Region:

The purpose of the study was to identify improved nutrition practices in the two woredas and to develop locally acceptable and feasible recipes for under two children. 

Concern Worldwide Ethiopia


 +251 11661 1730


Ethiopian Pharmaceuticals Market  Audit:

It was a pharmaceutical market audit for two years by visiting 100 pharmacies in Ethiopia and collecting data every three months about manufacturers, products, values and units of their purchases.   

Advanced Marketing Statistics-Africa, Ethiopia,


Assessment of the Status of Health Communication Management Interpersonal Health Communication Strategies, Media Production & Dissemination Operations in Ethiopia,

Federal Ministry of Health and UNICEF Ethiopia agreed to collaborate in undertaking detailed research and suggest an improved national health communication strategy in the country.

United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), Ethiopia




Study for Improved Nutrition Monitoring  system in Pastoralist communities of Ethiopia:

The purpose of undertaking the study in Afar, Somali, SNNPR, and Oromia Regions of Ethiopia was to understand the existing system and strategy of the nutrition monitoring system in the pastoral areas and suggest strategies for improved nutrition monitoring.

United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), Ethiopia




Nutrition SBCC Strategy Design and Roll-out of Pilot Activity:

The purpose of the assignment was to develop a nutrition SBCC strategy with a focus on dairy promotion for dietary diversity and rollout of the pilot activity for the developed strategies.

SNV, Dairy–EDGET Project,


+25111262 154


National School WaSH situational assessment and then develop national School WASH Strategy,  Guidelines, and Toolkits based on the situational assessment:

The assignment aims to contribute to the national one WaSH program and ESDP 5 outcomes; With Specific objectives:

·        To undertake the National School WaSH situational assessment

·        To develop a National  School WaSH Strategy

·        To develop National School WaSH Guideline

·        To develoNational  School  WaSH Training  Manual/Materials;-       

      •        School WaSMonitoring and Evaluation Manual
      •        School WaSH Operation and maintenance manual
      •        School WaSH Teachers and PTA Training Manual
      •        School WaSH Primary school students training Manual
      •        School WaSH Secondary school students training manual
      •    School WaSH  construction and design manual

WaterAid Ethiopia in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Education,





Qualitative Study on the Barriers   and   Facilitators for Early Pregnancy Identification, Birth Notification as well as Antenatal and Postnatal Visits in Amhara Regional State:

The main objective of the qualitative study was to identify key demand-side barriers and enhancers for early pregnancy identification and notification, early antenatal care visits, birth notification, and postnatal care visits in Amhara Regional State.

Save the Children International, Ethiopia,


+25111372 84 55


Baseline Survey for the 'The Integrated Approach to Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Rural Ethiopia’ Project:

The purpose of the assignment was to gather baseline data and generate analysis to help the MCHN  project formulate a clear understanding of the current nutrition, livelihood security, and WASH situation in the twenty-two targeted woredas in Amhara and Afar regions in order to implement an integrated and targeted nutrition, livelihood, and WASH interventions.

Save the Children International, Ethiopia,


+25111372 84 55


Baseline Survey on Improving Maternal and Child Care Project in Amhara Region:

The overall objective of the baseline survey is to generate baseline data, both quantitative and qualitative, as benchmarks for the project’s monitoring and evaluation and provide an understanding of the present situation of maternal and child health care services in Wogera, Debat, Debark Woredas and Debark Town in north Gondar Zone of Amhara Region in Ethiopia

Save the Children International, Ethiopia,


+25111372 84 55


Assessment of Health Extension Workers' Impact on Community Behaviour and the Attitude of the Community towards Health Extension Workers, In Zone 3 of Afar Region:

The assignment was aimed to assess the attitude ( perception) of  the community towards HEW, to assess what impacts made by HEW the community behavior, and also to identify the challenges, gaps, and best lessons of HEW career

Amref Health Africa, Ethiopia,


+251-11-66278 51 


Final evaluation of the project Fostering Healthcare for Refugees and Local Communities in Somali Region, Ethiopia”

The evaluation was carried out o  evaluation  CCM''Fostering Healthcare for Refugees and Local Communities in Somali Region, Ethiopia' project four-year intervention in the Filtu Zone of Somali Region, Ethiopia.

Comitato Collaborazione Medica (CCM),





Baseline Survey for Trachoma elimination project  in Oromia region:

The purpose of the retention study was to identify the factors and approaches to workforce motivation, job satisfaction, and retention that will assist the FMOH and RHBs in Ethiopia to make evidence-based policy and management decisions regarding the successful recruitment and retention of workers in the public health sector. The study was also to document the magnitude of health worker turnover in the public sector and provide insights into the ongoing workforce retention and motivation schemes.

The Fred Hollows Foundation, Ethiopia


+251 116181042


Baseline Survey for  Safe Motherhood and Youth Reproductive Health Project in Oromia Region:

The overall objective of the baseline survey was to generate baseline data, both quantitative and qualitative, as benchmarks for the project’s monitoring and evaluation and to provide an understanding of the present situation of maternal and reproductive health in Fentale Woreda, Oromia region.

Child Fund, Ethiopia


+251 1166105557


Baseline study for Water Credit Project oWater.Org in Addis Ababa:

The overall objective of the baseline survey was to generate baseline data, both quantitative and qualitative, as benchmarks for the projects monitoring and evaluation.

Water.Org in





Amhara Trachoma Control Program (ATCP), P2982-MYP-IT, Mid-term Evaluation:

The overall objective of the assignment was to evaluate the project based on the predetermined indicators using relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability as the main evaluation criteria.

Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara(ORDA)/CBM Italy

Phone: +251-582207417


Final evaluation of the School WASH project with a special focus on Menstrual Hygiene Management in Weliso and DilelaTowns: The overall objective of the assignment was to evaluate the project based on the predetermined indicators using relevance, effectiveness efficiency, impact, and sustainability as the main evaluation criteria.

Progynist in association with WaterAid,




Terminal Evaluation of Sport for Inclusive development project in Amhara region:

Cheshire Foundation-Action for Inclusion  (CF-AI)

Phone: +251 113213869


Baseline study for Tokke Kutaye and Babich Town WaSH Project of WaterAid Ethiopia:

The overall objective of the baseline survey was to generate baseline data, both quantitative and qualitative, as benchmarks for the projects monitoring and evaluation.






End line KAP Survey of IYCF and Care Group Project of Kobe and Melkadida Refugee Camp:

The main objective of the KAP survey was to understand the beneficiaries of KAP on IYCF/ECD and the effectiveness of the community-based Mothers’ Care Group (MSG) BFS intervention in Kobe and Melkadida camps of International Medical Corps.



+251 1 470 0847


Resilience building project Post-intervention survey in Wolayita zone: A focus on Nutrition /IYCF and Livelihood interventions:

To evaluate preventive aspects of  the  nutrition  intervention including  Infant and Young Child Feeding(IYCF), food diversity, and Positive Deviance(PD) heart strategies in line with coverage, quality of service delivery, suitability of nutrition message transmission ways, and changes in the knowledge, attitude, and practices both at intervened community and institutional levels



+251-114 700847


Baseline Survey on PMTCT service utilization in Addis Ababa- Addis Ketema Kifile Ketema.

The general objective of this baseline survey was to conduct an assessment and document benchmark information that helps to measure the changes through the contribution of the project in regard to PMTCT services in the target area.

Amref  Health Africa in Ethiopia,




Coaching/advisory support to social entrepreneurs working in the area of  health and development sectors for the three years,  2017 – 2020:

The purpose of the assignment was to provide intensive, tailored coaching/advisory support, to social entrepreneurs on the Reach for Change Accelerator Program. 

Reach for Change, Ethiopia


TOT on Adult Learning and Facilitation SkillsTrain 25 TOT candidates from CORE Group Polio Project staff of CCRDA and other partner organizations on adult learning principles and facilitation skills.   

CCRDA Ethiopia

Phone: +251114390322


Community-based Participatory Nutrition Promotion (CPNP) Training Guideline Development and Training Facilitation to staff and nutrition actors:  To develop a very comprehensive and friendly training guideline and provide initial training for Nutrition actors, Government, and WVE technical staff.

World Vision Ethiopia


+251 11 6291078


Training Material  Development and then  Master Trainer on CLTSH and Health Facility Hygiene and Sanitation:  The training was aimed at capacity building of stakeholders working on WASH on Community Led Total Sanitation and Hygiene (CLTSH) in the Afar region.

Amref  Health Africa in Ethiopia,




Provide Training services on Leadership and Management for HIV/AIDS Committee:  Provision of capacity  building  training services on leadership and management skills for the HIV/AIDS committee 

Mekidim Ethiopia


+251-11122 8844

Contact us
Address:- Gullele Sub City, Around Addisu Gebeya, Jambo Business Complex, 2nd Floor Room, No.210
P.O.Box: 13961 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Mobile:- (+251)-911-51-62-62/92-17-51
Telephone:- (+251)-11-828-5514

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