Leos Edible Oil and Soya Products

Phone 011 430 4836
Mobile 09 34 158 480
Mobile 2 09 88 966 161
Location1. Bishoftu City Next to Testy Soya, Near to Genesis Farm 2.Next to Etalem Burger, LEMLEM BISHOFTU 3. Next to Gara Beru Commercial Bank of Ethiopia 4. In front of Yatu International Hotel, Bishoftu
Primary CategoryEdible Oil
Leos Edible Oil and Soya Products

Leos Edible Oil and Soya Products is a sole proprietorship owned by one owner (Lt. Lima Asfaw Yibrehu) who has been involved in different investments in the country.

The Company was established with the objective of processing and producing Refined Edible oil in January 2007 E.C. (2014/2015)

Our Mission

Our company ” Leos Edible Oil & Soya Products ” is committed to producing and delivering refined Edible oil which is:-

      • Free from cholesterol. and Pure Refined oil
      • Organic oil for a healthy life
      • High quality in test, color, content, and packaging.

Our Vision

To process and produce Neutralized, Bleached, and Deodorized Edible oil like Sunflower oil, Niger oil, and Soya oil to domestic customers in accordance with market demand and by assessing the market as well.



We provide delivery service for shops and companies located in Bishoftu, Adama, Mojo, and Addis Ababa.

Animal Feed Cake

We Provide Various Sorts of Cakes from Numerous Oil Seeds to Various Animal Feed Organizations.

Soap Stock

We provide soap stock to different soap manufacturing factories

Oil Bottle Production

We manufacture high-quality empty oil plastic bottles.




Contact Us
Address:- Factory:- Bishoftu City Next to Testy Soya, Near to Genesis Farm
Shop One :- Next to Etalem Burger, LEMLEM BISHOFTU
Shop Two:- Next to Gara Beru Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Shop Three:- In front of Yatu International Hotel, Bishoftu
Phone no:- 011 430 4836, 09 34 158 480, 09 88 966 161
Email:- leosedibleoil@gmail.com, Website:- https://leosedibleoil.com

Products and Services(5 Images)