Pro Events Addis PLC

Mobile +251 911 42 4957
LocationLegehar, ORDA Building 15th Floor, Offie Number 15/B19, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Primary CategoryProtocol, Event and Communication
Pro Events Addis PLC

Pro Events Addis PLC is a company established for Protocol, Events, and Communication. We are the only company specializing in protocol, event, and communication services in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our team provides expert advice and guidance to a range of clients including business executives, corporate bodies, educational institutions, government agencies, and global organizations.

Our services are designed to enhance professionalism in protocol practice, promote sound organizational culture and values, and cultivate a robust protocol consciousness for the smooth operations of the business either private, government, or international organizations. We understand the importance of conducting business appropriately and working with clients to ensure that they can operate with confidence and peace of mind.

Our protocol stream includes protocol training as it is important to know the proper business protocol and social etiquette to make a positive and lasting impression on clients, colleagues, and superiors. This includes everything from how to dress for a business meeting, to how to address colleagues and clients, to how to conduct oneself in a professional setting.

We provide Protocol as a service where we can manage and handle the protocol issues of host companies in consulting hosting guests, dining, gift, and intercultural intelligence of the guests.

Company Vision
To become the foremost protocol, event, and communication company in Ethiopia by 2030.

Company Mission
Professionalism in service delivery. To ensure the satisfaction of our clients by providing world-class event and professional protocol management.

Executive Protocol Services
We offer bespoke executive protocol services tailored to keeping our clients confident and comfortable. With our established Protocol service framework, our services are delivered with utmost professionalism.

We provide protocol and logistics services at airports for our clients.

These services include:

  • Check-in formalities and luggage transfer and Meet & Greet at arrival etc.

Corporate/Business Events Management
We manage your corporate or business events either staff retreats, meetings, conferences, or virtual/Hybrid events with the utmost professionalism.

Executive Chauffeur
With our professionally trained drivers, we provide airport pick-up and drop-off services to our clients at airports in Ethiopia. Our airport pick-up and drop-off services give you and your family that exclusive treat you deserve to your destination. Enjoy our executive chauff rides with elegance and style.

Hotel Reservation
We help make hotel reservations and ensure the rooms reserved are made available before the arrival of our guests.

Coaching, Training & Mentorship
We offer a range of coaching, training, and mentoring services to help individuals and organizations develop and refine their protocol skills.

Our coaching services are designed to provide personalized, one-on-one guidance to help clients navigate complex protocol challenges and achieve their professional goals.

Our training services offer practical, hands-on learning opportunities, allowing clients to develop the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in various protocol settings.

We are committed to our mission of helping companies and individuals create, craft, and convey meaningful messages. Driven by a single goal; to do our part in developing and improving the marketing, internal, and external communications practices of our clients. We strive to build productive and beneficial relationships in all of our pursuits.

One of our greatest strengths is the service and support our dedicated and skilled members provide to each and every client through continued and consistent involvement.

Our service includes but is not limited to speech writing, TV and radio commercial production, engaging with the media, and communicating with the public. Generally, we are responsible for developing, curating, promoting, and maintaining the organization's brand.

Protocol Radio Show
Our Radio Show known as “Yeprotocol Guday” is on Arada FM 95.1 every Wednesday from 11 to 12 local time or 5 PM to 6 PM (EAT). The show covers a plethora of issues pertaining to Social, Business, and International protocol and etiquette.

The issues range from table manners at home to international business dinners, from personal introduction to introduction of heads of state; from face-to-face interaction to email communication; as well as business card etiquette, greetings, gifts, and dress codes. Public speaking and a lot of other issues are discussed on the show.

It is the order of the day that all people follow essential protocols and etiquette that are accepted worldwide in their conduct of personal and business affairs. They are a symbol of civility. Appropriate protocol enhances relations while no knowledge of it breaks them, as the saying goes: “Protocol makes or breaks your relationship”.

Five plus years on FANA FM 98.1 and almost a year on Sheger FM 102.1 as Likegna, YeProtocol Guday has been one of the voices that helped many to keep in check their personal, social and professional engagements in line with the ethical standards, social norms, and values.

Now after being on a break for over three years, we are back on air on Arada FM 95.1 to talk about social, cultural, professional, and diplomatic protocol and etiquette.

The show is aired on Prime Time (PT) where we can reach everyone from home to force audiences on the traffic.

Our Clients
We offer global protocol, executive protection, and strategic protocol leadership solutions for organizational development across a wide range of industry sectors.

      • Government Institutions
      • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's)
      • Corporate Organizations
      • Media Institutions
      • Business Executives
      • Diplomatic aides
      • Managers

Contact us
Address:- Legehar, ORDA Building 15th Floor, Offie Number 15/B19
Mobile no:- +251 911 42 4957