KARAMA Charity Foundation

Phone +251 257 780322
Mobile +251 911 987817
Mobile 2 +251 915 218090
Mobile 3 +251 929 388971
LocationJigjiga, Ethiopia
Primary CategorySocial Enterprises
KARAMA Charity Foundation

KARAMA Charity Foundation is an independent, nongovernmental organization founded by intellectuals living inside and outside Ethiopia, local elders, as well as youth and women groups. These groups of people have always been actively involved in raising the standard of living for the most vulnerable people in the Somali region of Ethiopia in particular, and people of Somali descent in general. They have been providing services to the local community of Ethiopia of their own free will.

To broaden their activities in more professional and result-centered development, these intellectuals established a nongovernmental organization on the 10th of September, 2020. The founders discussed the issue of human suffering in East Africa, more specifically as regards to the Somali region of Ethiopia, and the need of the people of that region in humanitarian relief and educational assistance. They also discussed supporting the communities for sustainable development to prevent the negative impacts of famines, as well as both natural and man-made disasters.

We have obtained a taxpayer registration certificate under the Ethiopian Somali Regional State Revenue Authority, with TIN (Tax Identification Number) 0069069821.

Karama Charity Foundation opened its main office in Jigjiga, Ethiopia, and has branch offices in North Eastern Kenya; Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia; Kismayu, port city of Somalia (3rd capital of Somalia); and Badhadhe town in the lower Jubba area. Hence, the Foundation works in a vast region in humanitarian relief and educational assistance.


KARAMA'S vision is to realize that its targeted beneficiaries live in prosperity and dignity with education, health, and humanitarian interventions provided for them. Especially, we strive to see the life standard of low-class and unprivileged communities improved in the riverine regions of Ethiopia.


KARAMA'S mission is to improve, enhance and positively transform the social and economic structures of the riverine area (small-scale farmers) by eliminating poverty and violence of the target communities through:

  • Initiating programs that lead to the promotion of livelihood where people can live in dignity and fullness.
  • Seeking the will of the people of the riverine areas to participate in the transformation of education and health provision in the community, via the establishment of primary schools and health post centers (MCH/TFC) in main towns, and spreading to the villages in the future that will be achieved to get the following facilities:
    • Establishment of education and medical centers in the main town and villages in the future
    • Qualified teachers and medical doctors
    • Schooling and medical materials for IDPs
    • Voluntary donors (UN and international NGOs) to fund the projects
    • Pursuing changes through the promotion of networking and information sharing

KARAMA'S Main Objectives

  • Participate in humanitarian relief and response to emergencies and disasters - manmade as well as natural disasters - to facilitate partner's access to reach vulnerable and affected communities
  • Facilitate increased awareness and respect for gender equality and human rights
  • Mobilize the grass root levels to educate the above-mentioned communities to facilitate knowledge sharing, prevention and actions to reduce and eradicate the effects of epidemic disease, HIV/AIDS and FGM
  • Strengthen the capacity of the organization and its staff to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the NGO's programs and activities
  • Enhance awareness and respect of human rights

Core Values

KARAMA's work is guided by the following core values:

  • Accountability: KARAMA believes to step up accountability to all categories of stakeholders.
  • Credibility: KHARMA always looks to the promotion of its credibility.
  • Solidarity: Unity is the motto of KARAMA.
  • Efficiency: We ensure quality service and commendable behavior to beneficiaries and all other stakeholders.
  • Equality: We work regardless of race, gender, or political opinion.
  • Creativity: KARAMA is flexible to sound change and welcomes creations from significant stakeholders.

KARAMA'S operations are designed to meet the needs of the affected people of all categories, the marginalized and the oppressed.

KARAMA supports initiatives from beneficiaries to promote their lives.

The Beneficiary Target Groups

These include:

  • Women
  • The poor and the underprivileged
  • Communities affected by disasters (natural and manmade)
  • Youth and vulnerable people
  • Displaced refugee in Ethiopia (Internally displaced people - IDP)
  • Communities with special needs


  • Emergency relief for displaced people
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene
  • Education and health
  • HIV/AIDS and FGM
  • Human rights
  • Response to emergencies
  • Organization capacity building
  • Youth development programs

Core Strategies of Implementation and Approach

Fund Maintenance

Our funds are entirely donated by well-wishers within the local community and the diaspora. These contributions are just but a fraction of what is needed most of the time. We do our works with encouragement to each other to let the sides/the existing problems down.

KARAMA pursues the following strategies and approaches to realize the execution of its objectives and to reach its long term vision:

  • Institutional capacity building
  • Lobbying, advocacy, and networking
  • Partnership with donors and international NGOs.

Geographical Location

KARAMA's main office is in Jigjiga but the organization's activities cover the whole of Ethiopia, especially the Somali regional State. It has focal representatives in the regions' main towns, i.e., Dollo Zone, Sitti Zone, Korahe Zone, Fafan Zone, Shabelle Zone, Erer Zone, Nogob Zone, Jarar Zone, Afder Zone, Liben Zone, Dhawa Zone, etc.

Some Achievements and Current Activities

KHARMA Charity Foundation has so far implemented several projects as part of its objectives since its inception.

KARAMA'S project will help 50 IDP farming families who moved from the Qolaji refugee camp to the nomad area of Walwal, near Werder, Somali regional state (Woreda 4 in Werder). They depend on help from KARAMA. They have formed an agricultural production cooperative and a local administrative unit (with the consent of the host community), and have donated them 10 hectares of land 100 meters from a well that does not dry out.

The aim is that the IDPs improve their livelihood and security and become independent by learning how to farm in their new environment, as well as make an income from selling harvest. They use greenhouses and fruit trees for shade and drip irrigation, using less water. To minimize the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, they learn how to make and use compost, animal manure, natural ways to combat pests and diseases, and use natural and recycled materials. They also make a plant nursery. Agricultural experts train them for 7 months and the IDPs later teach others in the area how to farm.

A Call to Donors

We call upon philanthropists, well-wishers, those who value education and the need for it, local and international humanitarian organizations, to participate with us in the pursuit relieving the pains of human beings and the provision of educational assistance the people in the areas of our work.

Through your support, we support others, build and operate schools, rehabilitate schools, employ teachers, build health centers, and build care centers for orphans and the homeless.

With the help of donors and well-wishers and in coordination with them, we will be able to feed the hungry, care for orphans and widows. With your helping hand, the young get education and the adults get informed, and therefore the dignity of human beings will be safeguarded.

Executive Director
Abdulahi Abdi Mohamed



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