Goggle Trading PLC

Phone +251 111 561400
Mobile +251 911 304297
Sub City Arada
Woreda 05
LocationDejach Wube Sefer, Behind Soramba Hotel jareba Goggle biulding, Subcity Arada Woreda 05, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Primary CategoryLab & Quality Control Equipment/Supplies
Goggle Trading PLC

Goggle Trading PLC is a privately owned company in Ethiopia engaged in the supply of different agricultural equipment (poultry, beekeeping, and dairy equipment), laboratory equipment and chemicals, and educational or teaching aid equipment for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics laboratories.

The company was established in June 2003 with meager resources and limited manpower. In the years that followed, it widened its scope of business activities and opened market outlets to many overseas manufacturers to sell their products in Ethiopia.

We strive to become a supplier of the most efficient, superior technological products to our customers. We strive to bring the majority of products in Ethiopia to nourish the ever-growing technology to fulfill the demands of customers and create satisfaction.

Delivery Service

Our company provides delivery service in order to provide high-quality service which enhances customer service. We deliver any material you order with high-quality products at the place of your desire.


Goggle Trading PLC provides a maintenance service to the products it offers. Our highly educated technical personnel with tons of experience provide quality service in order to avoid any difficulty of use of products that our company offers.


Agriculture is one of the key leading sectors in Ethiopia and our company offers various equipment such as beekeeping materials (smoker, honey extractor, bee hive, casting module), poultry materials (feeder, incubator, egg tray), diary equipment (Milking machine, milk analyzer, cream separator, milking testing centrifuges, milk testing equipment, butter churner) and other agricultural equipment with high-quality requirements.

Nowadays teaching equipment has become essential in various schools in Ethiopia to automate and enhance the understanding of students. Teaching using teaching aid materials has become very essential in today's world at various levels of education. 

Our company provides high-quality teaching aids based on customer requirements from various teaching aids our company offers.

We have a vast range of teaching aids in different subjects such as biology (human body, human skeleton, animal body, plants, tissues, DNA structures), chemistry (carbon 60 atomic model, different measurement instruments, periodic table, and other related materials), physics (transformers, collision ball apparatus and other related materials), and related fields of science with best delivery service.

In order to fulfill your need for laboratory equipment, our company serves as the best supplier in Ethiopia with quality assurance.

Our partners all over the world provide us with best quality products for laboratories such as glassware (safety goggles, beakers, Erlenmeyer flask, Aka boiling flask, Florence flask, test tubes, watch glasses, funnels), plastic ware (burettes, pipettes, dropper, graduated cylinders ), laboratory chemicals (ammonium alum, alum, potassium aluminum sulfate, flocculating powder, ammonia, ammonium hydroxide), various microscopes (leaser scanning, inverted, up-right, stereo and other related microscope types) with the best quality and fair price.


All the laboratory products Goggle PLC provides are based on customer requirements and par with cutting-edge technological laboratory equipment. To this end, our company has partnered with various manufacturers to fulfill the needs of its customers.

Laboratory Chemicals and Reagents

We offer an outstanding supply of chemicals for various sectors that meet customer needs for laboratory equipment. We also provide a wide range of chemicals that meet the requirements of your company.

General Laboratory

We provide various types of laboratory equipment such as glassware, safety goggles, beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks, Aka boiling flasks, Florence flasks, test tubes, watch glass, funnels, etc.

Agricultural Equipment

Agriculture or farming is the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants, and fungi for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants, and other products used to sustain and enhance human life.

Agriculture is the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the development of civilization.

Industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture farming has become the dominant agricultural methodology nowadays in Ethiopia.

Our company Goggle Trading PLC is one of the leading suppliers in Ethiopia in the supply of various agricultural equipment with spare parts, providing assistance for different organizations that are actively engaged in the agricultural industry.


We provide milk dairy equipment with full accessories such as milk cans, milk analyzers, dairy milking machines, cream separators, butter churners, and other related materials.


Our company Goggle Trading PLC provides various types of poultry equipment in Ethiopia, along with the provision of skilled and knowledgeable technical personnel to provide the most suitable and sustainable poultry equipment as per your requirements. 

Beekeeping Equipment

We provide the best quality and leading beekeeping instruments with full accessories, along with full technical support based on the customer's requirements in order to provide the most suitable solutions. 

Teaching Aids

Nowadays teaching using teaching aids has become more valuable in the everyday activity of the teaching process.

The detailed representation of different learning scenarios makes it the most suitable choice for the students in order to have a good understanding of what the teacher teaches. Our company provides high-quality teaching aids for different sectors in Ethiopia to enhance the learning process.


Our company offers different kinds of teaching aids that will enhance the teaching process of natural science which studies matter and its motion and behavior through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. Our company offers different physics teaching aids with quality for various educational levels.


Our company provides high-quality biology teaching aids such as human body, animal body, and plant-related aids.

Our partners from all over the world provide the best quality teaching aids. Our company Goggle Trading PLC is well experienced in providing various types of biology teaching aids for higher educational level and mid schools. 


Chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, mechanisms, and reactions of organic compounds. An organic compound is defined as any compound based on a carbon skeleton, and we provide chemistry teaching aids for carbon skeletons to provide detailed knowledge for students across various levels of education. 

Contact us
Address:- Dejach Wube Sefer, Behind Soramba Hotel jareba Goggle biulding, Subcity Arada Woreda 05
F:- +251-11 156 1400
M:- +251-911 304 297
Email:- goggletrafingplc@gmail.com

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